Traditional Call Centre’s requires densely deployed workstations in a centralized and limited office space, this can lead to many problems such as noise pollution, high power consumption, heat produced by processing (requires air conditioning), long deployment periods, high operational and maintenance cost, and desk space constraints.
The utilization of Zero- or Thin Clients in the call centre sector has a number of advantages compared to the traditional PC.
Some of these are:
Traditional Call Centre’s requires densely deployed workstations in a centralized and limited office space, this can lead to many problems such as noise pollution, high power consumption, heat produced by processing (requires air conditioning), long deployment periods, high operational and maintenance cost, and desk space constraints.
The utilization of Zero- or Thin Clients in the call centre sector has a number of advantages compared to the traditional PC.
Some of these are:
Traditional Call centres requires densely deployed PCs in a centralized and limited office space, this can lead to many problems such as noise pollution, high power consumption, heat produced by processing (requires air conditioning), long deployment periods, high operational and maintenance cost, and desk space constraints.
Thin client management software allows for end points to be managed via a central server. This helps you to save
on opera onal costs.
When using thin clients there is no data stored on the end point device, assisting in data security. This also allows for easy swop out procedures with repairs and or replacement of faulty end points
Thin clients and some mini-PCs are noiseless because they have no moving parts such as fans and hard disks.
Thin clients and mini-PCs are devices with a small footprint. They can easily be mounted at the back of a monitor or underneath a desk. A small footprint also have logis cal and deployment advantages
Thin clients use less than 10 wtts of power where traditional desktops may use upwards of 100 watts of power.
With Thin Clients there is very little local processing and there are no moving parts this leads to better hardware
stability and reliability.